We all want our kids to soar. To fly to their greatest potential. Yet, as hard as we try to be the best parents we can be, s*%! happens - and we have to deal with it.
Does any of this sound familiar?
My son was getting all A’s and all of a sudden he was getting C’s
My daughter was so popular, and then the mean girls came out in droves
My son had perfect Apgar scores, but at 1 year old we noticed that he wasn’t reaching his milestones
My daughter’s boyfriend changed her completely and I don’t know if she’ll even go to college now
My son loves video games, but I’ve caught him playing them at 2am. What do I do?
My daughter wants to dress like a boy. It’s my worst nightmare
I don’t trust my kids having sleepovers, or riding their bike to school
I schedule my kids days to the minute. I don’t know if that means I’m a good parent or a bad one. Answer: neither and both - but we’ll talk about that
I want my child to get into an Ivy league school so bad I can’t stand it.
I want to be my son’s best friend
I don’t know what sport, activity or craft my child should focus on - all or one? We’ll talk about that
I can go on and on. Why? Because I’ve seen or faced all of these scenarios and many, many more.
I write all about Raising Great KIDZ. I write about it so that I can help others based on my experience, observations, research and reach outs. As a result of all I’ve learned raising 3 great (and very different) kids, I’ve developed a parenting method that I believe works.
Two of my three went through private school. One went through public school and was delayed. Hello mainstream!
One ended up in a top ten University and the top B-School in the world.
One ended up a top athlete, winning his division in his college sport and is a Professional Instructor and thriving Actor.
One is still half his life behind but lives in one of the best resident/day program facilities in the country and is THE HAPPIEST CHILD ON THE PLANET.
I talk a lot about parenting. Guess what? You are your child’s best advocate, helper, guide and support. But there’s one thing you must know… it’s not about you.
I know, I know. We all want the bragging rights or the perfect child. Guess what? They are ALL perfect. And guess what? It’s not about us!
So welcome to Raising Great KIDZ. Feel free to follow my blog or follow me here on #substack as I go through everything kids and everything parenting.
I’ll be offering you some free guides, tips, checklists, strategies and even some courses.
Hop on over to www.raisinggreatkidz.com to subscribe and keep an eye out for lots of good FREE stuff that will help you, help your child soar!
I believe in you and I am here to share all I know and have found that works to raise your best kidz ever!